About My Book: Omniverse – The Plot

I thought I’d post a bit more about my book seen as I feel it’s a bit more fleshed out than it was before. I’ve got around a chapters worth done so it’s a good start for now. I don’t know how long it’ll ever take to finish it and how different it might be then, or if it’ll even have an end. We’ll see soon I suppose.

The [Extended] Plot:

So our main character, Harry, lives with his partner Emily in his apartment whilst he works as a very ordinary milk man. One day he stumbles upon a mysterious looking object that mysteriously appears out of the blue in his wardrobe – there’s no explanation of where it came from. After tinkering with the object for some time Harry finally realises that the object grants the user the ability to travel to an infinite number of alternate universes. Every time he travels to a different universe he inhabits that universe’s version of him and can act out their life in their body. The device transports him to different ‘numbered’ universes and the higher the number, the less ‘in sync’ that universe is with Harry’s own.

After one day having a serious argument with Emily, Harry decides to use the device and starts hopping from universe to universe with no apparent care for what’s going on in his own. It’s not until later on, upon his return when he asks Emily if she noticed him being gone. that he realises that that universe’s version of him has in fact not been missing. The universe he vacated simply continued as normal – he was somehow still there in that universe, continuing his normal life as he would expect himself to. The device seems to merely transport the conscience of the user to the alternate universe’s version of themselves. Whilst there they have the ability to control that version of themselves.

Harry continues to travel between a few universes that he finds interesting from time to time. In one universe he finds he is an elusive bank robber and thief who controls a large operation of people who steal from businesses. In another universe, he finds that everything is quite similar except he lives with an attractive girl called Lucy. She’s a model and appears to be constantly annoyed at everything Harry does. In a further universe Harry is pretty much a bum, who doesn’t do anything with his life and lazes around with some of his friends. Harry enjoys being able to hop from the different universes and experience his different lifestyles.

That is until the universes start to ‘bleed’ into one another due to the high usage of the universe-jumping device. Whilst Harry is in the midst of a shoot out on a high level bank heist, one of his friends from an alternate universe appears in the middle of the cross fire between Harry and the police and gets shot. The prompts Harry to think more about what he’s doing and alerts him to the fact that different universes appear to be melding into each other.

Harry realises that it’s possible for the device to travel to a universe ‘0’ – one which has no coherence to the others he has experienced. once there, he meets a race of people who are dubbed as ‘Masters of the Omniverse’. They appear to be members of an extremely advanced civilization with technology and knowledge far surpassing anything Harry has experienced in any of the alternate universes. They explain that they created the devices in the hope of travelling to other universes and gaining more knowledge about life and furthering their technology, but they didn’t realise the drastic side effects that using the devices would incur. The Masters explain that the more the device is used, the bigger the rips in the fabric of space-time between universes will become – and this causes universes to fall into one another. If this process were allowed to continue then it would cause the destruction of all the omniverse. The Masters thought they had got rid of all the devices and didn’t know that some of them had been transported to other universes.

But there is a member of the race of Masters who wants to steal back the object from Harry and use it in attempt to conquer vast expanses of different universes. The objects and their use have been strictly forbidden in the realm of the Masters and this is the only device that has appeared in a very long time. The mysterious member eventually tricks Harry into giving him the object and quickly escapes into a parallel universe. Realising that the omniverse may not have much time left, The Masters of The Omniverse send out a team, along with Harry, to hunt down the mysterious man and retrieve the object. All whilst the universes are falling in on themselves. After a laborious cosmic crusade across many worlds, they finally find the mysterious man and defeat him, retrieving the object. Harry chooses to go back to his original universe and takes the object with (as he has to).

Once back home, he tells Emily about everything that’s happened – she naturally doesn’t believe him given the circumstances. But somewhere deep down she wishes she could believe it – she always wanted to see Harry be a bit more brave. Though she will never know of his bravest (his only) adventure. Harry finally sets the object to ‘spacially disappear’ from his universe, only for the object to reappear in the alternate universe closet of another unsuspecting Harry.

Writing my book – Omniverse

Decided I’m going to call my book “Omniverse”. Like the collection of all alternate/parallel universes. I thought it was apt, and I like one word titles for things – they don’t give much away so they make you wonder what lies within the meaning of the title.

Character development is going well – I decided to develop some of the characters outside of the story first and let others form naturally while writing. I like where story’s going at the moment – so much so that it’s really interesting into writing more.

I think one of the main ideas of the book is that, you can be so many things to so many people, so much so that it seems like you might be living alternate lives to outsiders, but in the end, when it comes down to it, you have to choose the one things you want the most and stick with it.
You can have all the things you ever dream of, but often you can’t keep them, so stick with the thing you want the most before you aren’t able to make that choice any more.

I thought I’d include a little extract just from the beginning – I might upload the first chapter sometime, or the whole thing if it gets finished that is.

Chapter one:

Harry Doggett was pretty much a magnolia type of guy, you know the kind. The type of person who sounds like they’re heading somewhere, but underneath the fancy name you realise that really they’re just an off shade type of white. Not much going for them, but they wouldn’t look bad in your living room given the right accompanying décor. Now this isn’t to say he wasn’t a good guy – he was clean shaven, stood around 5’8” and his left foot was slightly bigger than his right. He would be your short brown haired hero of the day if your hero was the milkman who lived down the road that is. That’s exactly what Harry was; your average run-of-the-mill milkman. To say he was average though could easily lead to a short story about injustice and a slap on the wrist to boot. He did happen to have a degree in theoretical physics he was quite happy to remind anyone who questioned his career path about. Harry was clever to say the least but his calling, he realised despite his penchant for complex knowledge, must have been to deliver a white liquid secreted from the mammary glands of a female bovine to the local houses every morning at 7 o’ clock.

7 o’clock is precisely where we meet our beige superman as it happens. He fumbles out of bed to discover his alarm has unexpectedly not completed its assigned job and rushes off to the bathroom, presumable to get ready and eject the urine he built up during his exceedingly long night’s sleep. Lying adjacently parallel to the space he had just vacated is his partner Emily. Emily was only slightly taller than Harry, though he would never quite admit that she was, and she had fair brown hair with eyes to match. Her face wasn’t chubby, but had enough substance so that she had very pinchable cheeks. Her small, perfectly formed nose sat comfortably in between her cheeks with her chin positioned nicely below, as if it were cradling her light red lips. Emily and Harry had known each other since their school days but only really got involved with one another after they had both finished University.

Musings of a book i) Synopsis

Decided I’m going to start writing a book.
Sci-fi/fantasy book.

Briefly in words:
Harry (our beige hero) lives a pretty ordinary life with his partner Emily working as a bovinal mammary gland secretion delivery man (milkman).
One day he finds a peculiar looking device with origins that can’t be explained. With enough curiosity he finds out that the device grants the user the ability to travel to alternate universes.
Once there, the user’s mind is transferred into the alternate universe’s version of themselves and can live out their life there.
Harry discovers that his alternate selves have it all so much better, and begins universe-hopping from Harry to Harry – forming an addiction to his better lives.
But the unforeseen rules of time and space quickly creep up on unsuspecting Harry and have disastrous consequences.
Reality appears to be falling in on itself in all of its eleven dimensions due to Harry’s misuse of the device.
Universes are blending and melding into one another with no sign of ceasing.
Can Harry find a solution to this universal shredding? And more importantly, will he make it home in time for the morning rounds?!